All about the muse
Primary fandom: Genshin Impact, multiverse muse

General Information

Character Alias: Medusa, Real name: hidden info

Age: appears to be around her mid twenties

❀ Birthdate:

Gender: female presenting ❀ Pronouns: She/They ❀ Orientation: sapphic, heavy lean towards femme or domme women

Where they Reside: traveling camp to camp in mondstadt to find a hide away location ❀ Where They're from: hidden info

Physical Description - She seems to be around 5'7 and very curvy with an hourglass figure. She often wears clothing to accentuate her curves and moreso wears revealing clothing on a regular basis. Her hair is a vibrant red with darker undertones and some more orange like highlights when the sun hits her hair. Her eyes are a bit of a mystery as she has heterochromia, the main color being red and having a more golden outter and inner ring. Her skin is tanned, ajacent to that of the past people belonging to the Muratan tribe. She exudes an intimidating and cocky energy and tries to reflect her ego in how she dresses as well.

Personality Traits -

Positive Traits
❁ Strong willed and cunning

❁ Adheres strongly to personal moral code

❁ Unwilling to be a pawn/easily avoiding manipulation and coercion

Negative Traits

❁ Sadistic and sarcastic

❁ Unwilling to lean on others

❁ Cocky and arrogant

Morbi quis egestas lorem. Sed tempus dolor neque, ac pellentesque sem porttitor et. Etiam nunc quam, lobortis non eros id, tristique rhoncus dolor. Nulla pulvinar, nunc in tempor vulputate, ipsum dolor vulputate felis, id pharetra lacus dui vitae massa. Suspendisse ut placerat quam, vel condimentum nibh. Sed nisi lorem, commodo sed libero sit amet, venenatis mollis enim. Pellentesque rutrum tempus felis. Nullam vel magna at ante cursus porta id placerat sapien. Donec ac nisi quis eros facilisis tristique.

Mauris porttitor arcu in metus varius, id aliquet massa porta. Proin auctor aliquet risus, eu imperdiet ante dapibus et. Donec tempor gravida finibus. Curabitur faucibus, justo feugiat molestie pharetra, massa sem vulputate arcu, id laoreet nisl dui in dui. Donec ultricies laoreet nisl, non consequat lacus luctus ut. Integer hendrerit nisl id diam commodo placerat. Sed maximus fringilla rutrum.

Aenean sagittis, turpis eu commodo maximus, orci ligula vehicula odio, tincidunt maximus diam massa non leo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut vitae leo blandit, luctus ligula sit amet, malesuada turpis. Nulla rutrum tempus massa, cursus placerat ante pharetra ut. Fusce semper nisl vel nisl gravida vulputate. Aliquam eros eros, scelerisque quis lobortis sed, venenatis ut sem. Nullam eu eleifend lorem. Fusce tincidunt ipsum justo, non ornare neque finibus ac.

Aenean sagittis, turpis eu commodo maximus, orci ligula vehicula odio, tincidunt maximus diam massa non leo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut vitae leo blandit, luctus ligula sit amet, malesuada turpis. Nulla rutrum tempus massa, cursus placerat ante pharetra ut. Fusce semper nisl vel nisl gravida vulputate..
